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B&B Italia Furniture Catalogue

B&B Italia furnishings are famous worldwide for their quality and creative design. Our online catalogue contains all of the B&B Italia collections. You can order conveniently from home, and we will ship them directly to you. These sofas, armchairs, tables, carpets, chairs and beds stand out for their modern design and excellent quality, the result of years of experience and research.

Purchase furniture for your house online! Our catalogue provides you with many discounted B&B Italia pieces on special offer and ready to ship. Each product is new, available at a low price because it comes from a display in one of our showrooms. You can contact us directly to order the B&B Italia piece that you want. Our experts will help you with each step of your purchase.

Furniture available for order

Discover the products available for order through our catalog - we are official retailers of more than 150 brands of contemporary and luxury furniture.
By registering for free, you can create your wishlist and send a request for information and a cumulative quote from your personal area. It's more convenient and faster!

B&B Italia Édouard Sofa + - Édouard
B&B Italia
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B&B Italia Ac Executive Sideboard + - Ac Executive
B&B Italia
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B&B Italia Ac Executive Table + - Ac Executive
B&B Italia
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B&B Italia Ac Lounge Sofa + - Ac Lounge
B&B Italia
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B&B Italia Ac Lounge Armchair + - Ac Lounge
B&B Italia
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B&B Italia Alanda '18 Small Table + - Alanda '18
B&B Italia
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B&B Italia Alex Table + - Alex
B&B Italia
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B&B Italia Allure O' Table + - Allure O'
B&B Italia
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